Karmina A. Aquino, DrSc ETHZ

Office of the Director


Karmina A. Aquino Dr. sc. ETHZ is currently a Science & Technology Fellow II at the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Geology at the University of the Philippines where she graduated magna cum laude. She also completed her Master of Science in Geology at the same university. She is a licensed Geologist and ranked 6th at the Philippine Geology licensure examination in 2014. She recently finished her doctoral studies at the Department of Earth Sciences at ETH Zürich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich or Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zürich), where she applied stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry in understanding water-rock-microbe interactions in natural settings. Her current research interests revolve around the application of these techniques to a wide variety of environmental and energy related problems in the Philippines. She is currently the project leader of Hydrogen SEEP: Sustainable rock-derived energy Exploration in the Philippines, which aims to use stable isotope geochemistry in understanding the sources and occurrence of naturally produced hydrogen in the Philippines which may be crucial to our goal of decarbonizing the energy sector.