Rinlee Butch Cervera, PhD

Material Science/ Energy Engineering
UP Diliman


Dr. Rinlee Butch Cervera is a full professor and laboratory head of the Energy Storage & Conversion Materials Research Laboratory at the Department of Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and the current program coordinator of the Energy Engineering Graduate Program, College of Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman. His research specializations and interests are on energy storage and conversion materials and devices such as fuel cells, hydrogen, and Li-based batteries, advanced ceramics processing, waste-to-energy research, and Li-ion battery recycling or materials recovery. He received his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D. degrees, all in materials engineering from UP Diliman, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and at The University of Tokyo, Japan, respectively, and a postdoctoral research fellowship at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) and The University of Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Cervera is also the current Editor-in-Chief of the Philippine Engineering Journal (PEJ).