Jordan F. Madrid, PhD

Chemistry/ Radiation Chemistry
Chemical Reactor Section/Atomic Research Division


Jordan F. Madrid, RCh, PhD earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Division of Molecular Science, School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan, where he performed works on controlled free radical polymerization by reversible-addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)-mediated radiation-induced graft polymerization in emulsion phase. He currently heads the Chemistry Research Section, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Department of Science and Technology. He has co-authored 29 publications including Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Journal of Natural Fibres, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, and filed 4 intellectual property applications related to radiation-grafted materials, two of which are granted utility model and industrial design registrations. The current research interests of Dr. Madrid’s group include: (1) Development of selective adsorbents from synthetic and natural fiber-based nonwoven fabrics; (2) Radiation-induced synthesis of nanostructured materials; (3) Radiation technology in energy applications – fuel cell, biodiesel, bioethanol, etc.; (4) Radiation-induced degradation and crosslinking of simple compounds and polymers; and (5) Application of radiation technology in reutilization and recycling of plastics.