Info Centre

June 19, 2024

PH Ambassador to Austria updates IAEA on nuclear science olympiad

PH Ambassador to Austria updates IAEA  on nuclear science olympiad

The Philippine hosting of the upcoming first-ever International Nuclear Science Olympiad (INSO) was one of the important updates of Philippine Ambassador to Austria Evangelina Lourdes Bernas to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors' meeting early in June this year.

Amb. Bernas, who also serves as the Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the IAEA, cited the INSO as among the country's leading efforts in promoting nuclear science.  

In her speech at the IAEA in Vienna, Austria, Bernas emphasized that it is the obligation of IAEA member states such as the Philippines to take the lead in promoting the peaceful applications of nuclear technology by reaching out to various audiences, such as the youth.

Bernas likewise announced the extension of INSO registration deadline to June 15. Those interested (to participate) can visit the Olympiad website at or coordinate with her delegation for more information.

The inaugural INSO will be held at New Clark City, Pampanga from July 31 to August 7, 2024, with pioneering participants and observers from countries in the Asia-Pacific Region.

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